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Bitcoin Cash Prediction 2018 2019 by Roger Ver: Bitcoin Cash will double its value by the end of the year

In a statement to CNBC, Roger Ver said that Bitcoin Cash predicted to double its value by the end of the year.

One of Bitcoin’s first investors, Roger Ver CNBC, said that cryptographic users and developers around the world have embraced Bitcoin Cash faster than Bitcoin Core.

Bitcoin Cash , a cracker of Bitcoin , left Bitcoin last year after a small group of developers decided not to add updates that would increase transactional efficiency.

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The original Bitcoin is called Bitcoin Core by Roger Ver to distinguish it from the other versions.

Sometimes referred to as “Bitcoin Jesus,” Ver said Bitcoin’s software is slow, expensive and unreliable because it is one of Bitcoin’s first investors. He recommended Bitcoin Cash, which was specially produced for transactions instead of Bitcoin.

Ver also said that the new innovations and infrastructure were built on Bitcoin Cash and used the following statements:

“Like, my CEO, all existing businesses are building their new products on Bitcoin Cash.”

The website helps investors to buy and store Bitcoin and other crypt money.

Ver explained why Bitcoin Cash expects to ascend:

“The economic path over Bitcoin Cash is what led to Bitcoin’s original success. If I wait for the rise in Bitcoin in 2011, I am expecting to double the value of Bitcoin Cash for the same reason. ”

On Tuesday, BitcoinCash created a new Blockchain with 32 MB block size limits. With the software update, Bitcoin Cash’s value dropped by about 5 percent. Ver did not worry about the sudden drop in Tuesday, and even predicted that by the end of the year Bitcoin Cash would double its value.

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