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Bitcoin Price Prediction: What will be the future of Bitcoin? Will it grow or collapse? Crypto asset manager Michael Sonnenshein sees two possibilities

Is Bitcoin’s destiny really all or nothing? Will it grow or collapse? Michael Sonnenshein, general manager of Grayscale Investments, one of the world’s largest cryptographic money asset management companies, thinks so.

The future price of Bitcoin has been subject to great speculation everywhere from cocktail parties to the New York Stock Exchange. Some mega bows, like entrepreneur capitalist Tim Draper, think the value will reach 250,000 dollars in a short period of four years. Skeptics such as Joe Davis, Vanguard Investments’ chief strategy officer, think it’s a reasonable possibility to fall to zero.

Is Bitcoin’s destiny really all or nothing? Will it grow or collapse?

That’s what Michael Sonnenshein, general manager of Grayscale Investments, one of the world’s biggest cryptographic money asset management companies, thinks. Speaking to Fortune, Sonnenshein says there is no common ground:

“Bitcoin and I feel Bitcoin will do one of two things as he looks at the incredible difficulties he’s faced in the last 10 years and thinks he comes from a new challenge every day. Either it will survive and the price will reach much higher levels or something else will take its place and it will go to zero. ”

Sonnenshein stated that the key factor behind the rise of Bitcoin ‘s value is that the developers have been able to innovate, continue to progress, and become more useful and desirable on this track.

Perhaps Bitcoin, Twitter and Square’s CEO, Jack Dorsey, as recently said, will be the currency of the internet. Or everything will explode on a smoke can. Your guess is as good as anybody else.

Currently, Bitcoin’s price is down with news that the US Justice Department has launched an investigation into the manipulation of the market. But who knows how long this will take when you consider volatility?

Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided for discussion purposes only, and should not be misconstrued as investment advice. Under no circumstances does this information represent a recommendation to buy or sell securities.

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