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How to Buy Local Bitcoin? Localbitcoins Review

Local Bitcoin over the years has created a name for itself. It is a Bitcoin exchange which operates worldwide. It is a completely decentralized exchange. The payment mechanism is actually entirely decentralized. The users can opt for the payment method which they prefer. As a result, people can buy Bitcoins locally according to the payment method which is convenient for them.

We will today share with you the procedure to buy Bitcoins through local Bitcoin exchange.

  • Opening up the account:
  • You have to visit and click on the sign up free button.
  • You have to thereafter enter your personal details and click register.
  • You have to confirm the email accounts through the link which is sent to your email.
  • After completing this step, you will be able to gain access to the Bitcoin wallet. You will be able to check your current balance by clicking the number next to the “B” symbol in your account.
  • When you click on the “B” symbol, you will be able to send Bitcoins. You will also be able to get the unique Bitcoin address which is a string of numbers and letters.
  • In order to perform the transaction, you have to enter some more of your personal details. These include phone number as well as real name.
  • Buying Bitcoins:
  • When you click on “Buy Bitcoins” on the left side of the top toolbar, you will be able to see the list of sellers selling the Bitcoin in your area.
  • You will get all the information about the seller including:
  • Name of seller
  • Feedback of seller
  • Exchange price
  • Limit
  • Payment method
  • You have to thereafter choose the seller and click the buy button next to their name.
  • You will be then taken to the next page where the introduction in the description of the seller will be displayed in front of you. If you are indulging in a sale for the 1st time, you will have to see some ID proof as well.
  • You have to thereafter enter the amount of Bitcoin which you want to buy and the value in local currency which you plan to play.
  • You can also include a comment or question and click the send trade request button.
  • On the next page, you will be able to chat with the seller in real time. You will also be able to arrange for the fund transfers according to the instruction of the seller.

Buying bitcoins on is not that big a deal. You have to just follow this procedure and you will be able to easily conduct your 1st transaction on the website. Keywords: buy bitcoin, local bitcoin wallet login, local bitcoin sell, is local bitcoins a wallet, buy bitcoin private, buy bitcoin with cash, buy 100 bitcoins, local bitcoins uk

Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided for discussion purposes only, and should not be misconstrued as investment advice. Under no circumstances does this information represent a recommendation to buy or sell securities.

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