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HomeCryptocurrency News TodayAmazing Bitcoin Prediction: John Pfeffer Claims Bitcoin Price Will Go Up To...

Amazing Bitcoin Prediction: John Pfeffer Claims Bitcoin Price Will Go Up To $90,000 and then $700,000 – Crypto News Today

Bitcoin, which has experienced serious depreciation following the rise of 20 thousand dollars in 2017, started to move towards the level of 10 thousand dollars again. The British investor, who said Bitcoin’s appreciation will continue, said it is ambitious, saying it is even valuable than gold.

John Pfeffer, managing director of hedge funds at Pfeffer Capital, has made important statements about Bitcoin. An interesting claim, saying Bitcoin is a more valuable investment than Gold, Preffer suggested that Bitcoin’s value could soon be $700,000

Speaking about Bitcoin and the future of virtual money in a television program he participated in, according to The Independent, Pfeffer claimed that Bitcoin would soon be at least $90,000 and then the price could go up to $700,000.

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Harvard Professor: Bitcoin’s value will fall to $100 in the next 10 years

But there are also pessimistic scenarios about the future of Bitcoin. Professor Kenneth Rogoff of Harvard University has said that the likelihood that Bitcoin’s value falls to $100 in the next 10 years is greater than the probability that it will be traded at $100,000.

Bitcoin, which entered quietly on January 3, 2009, is in the limelight of many people, especially with its output in 2017. We have compiled for you what you should know about investing in Bitcoin.

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