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Upcoming 2019 IPO List and Calendar: List of 14 Upcoming IPOs to Get Excited About in 2019

The year 2018 appeared to have been a perfectly fertile soil for IPOs, while the trend of issuing Initial public offerings doesn’t seem to be wearing off any time soon as there are numerous companies and startups have announced their upcoming public offerings.

According to IPOScoop reports, 2018 had seen 233 new initial public offerings, altogether collecting 54 billion dollars during their initial IPO sales, out which 10 companies reported returns by 100%, deeming the last year as rather successful for public offerings, so it is no wonder that more IPOs are joining the market in 2019.

Here is the list of by far announced upcoming IPOs for 2019 alongside IPO calendar.

Lyft IPO

Lyft is a ride-sharing company with a major growth potential, while many claim that this start-up represents a direct opponent to perhaps a more famous senior ride-sharing company, Uber.

Lyft announced the official release of their IPO for March 29th according to the records found on IPOScoop, while New York Times expects to see the public offering traded already at the beginning of April 2019. Lyft expects to see 2.2 billion dollars raised with the IPO sale, while some analysts have estimated the value of IPO at 15 billion dollars.

Uber IPO

Lyft might get an advantage as the company’s IPO date was already announced while Uber company still has final preparations to deal with.

It is expected to see the IPO go live in the first half of 2019, while the exact date is still unknown. The estimated value of the initial offering is set at 120 billion.

Palantir IPO

This data mining firm is said to have already spoken to Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse on the potential IPO in 2019, while the initial issuance for this company’s public offering is expected to take place in the second half of 2019.

Estimated value of Palantir upcoming IPO is set at tens of billions of dollars, while the IPO is yet to be confirmed officially. Estimates claim that Palantir IPO is valued between 30 and 40 billion dollars.

Airbnb IPO

Airbnb is another one of startup giants that have seen an exquisite rate of growth in the recent years which is the reason why this room-listing platform where you can book your stays is said to be planning on going forth with direct listing so that the shares of the company would be sold directly to the public.

Estimated value of the company’s shares is set at 30 billion dollars, while the IPO should be released by the end of 2019 although the official date is not revealed yet.

Slack IPO

Slack, the well-known workspace messaging applications is another one of startups preparing to set their IPO to launch in 2019. Slack’s userbase is becoming impressive recording 45% of growth in May 2018, while the app is now counting 8 million users with 3 million paying subscribers.

The official date of the public offering for Slack shares is yet to be revealed, but the company already hired Goldman Sachs back in December 2018, so it is expected to see the IPO go live in 2019. Slack IPO is estimated at the value of 10 billion dollars.

Robinhood IPO

The famous feeless trading platform is now counting over 5 million accounts and is ready than ever to enter the IPO craze that have marked the entire 2018. The platform deals with both equity and cryptocurrency trading which allows it to approach a larger userbase, while Robinhood is said to be one of the favorite trading platforms for millennials.

During their pre-funding round back in May 2018, Robinhood managed to raise 363 million dollars, which pushed the estimates of their IPO to 5.6 billion dollars, expecting to see the initial sale in 2019 with no exact date announced by far.

Postmates IPO

Another startup with a quick growing user base is most certainly Postmates, while the company is taking a double-digit share from the food delivery market. Postmates, unlike UberEats for example, doesn’t only deliver fast food as you can also have them deliver other items from the local stores.

Later in 2019, Postmates is more likely going to release their public offering with the present estimate of 1.8 billion dollars and a great growth potential in the industry of food delivery set to reach 100 billion in total market cap.

Pinterest IPO

Managing to showcase an amazing growth through engagement and growing user base, Pinterest reportedly stated that 2018 ended in 700 million dollars in revenue with 50% of reported increases from year to year.

That way Pinterest became eligible for becoming one of the hottest IPOs in the market. Although the company is not commenting on their talks with the Securities and Exchange Commission, it is presumed that the company will have their IPO ready for issuance already in June 2019.

The estimates of the value of Pinterest IPO are predicting 12 billion dollars with some reports stating that Pinterest already raised 1.5 billion in pre-funding round.

Casper IPO

The business of mattresses can’t be that exciting, however, the profits generated through this sector tell a different story to investors who are listening. Casper is one of the names in the industry reporting 50% margins with 16 billion dollars in revenue from year to year, which is how Casper is defying active trends in the market.

According to Fox Business interview, we can expect to see Casper issuing their IPO by the time 2019 comes to an end, expecting investors to show interest in holding Casper shares.

CloudFlare IPO

A prominent name in the industry of cybersecurity and web services, CloudFlare is working with around 10 million web domains, which is why the company is planning on turning their large user base into a profitable and prominent IPO.

The company should go public with their initial offering by the end of the first part of 2019, while Goldman Sachs is said to be in charge of transaction that should exceed 3.5 billion dollars with the initial public sale of CloudFlare shares.

CrowdStrike IPO

CrowdStrike is another cybersecurity company that have decided to release their IPO in 2019 and go public that way. The company earned their status among the companies within cybersecurity sector by creating special endpoint protection that have prevented many major hack attacks such as the one in the case of Sony attack or the attack on Democratic National Committee.

According to the latest reports, the company is planning to go public already in the first half of 2019, while the estimated value of CrowdStrike shares is set at 3 billion dollars.

Asana IPO

Asana is one of the leading project management applications that managed to raise millions in the initial co-founding round back in 2008 when the company started out in the Silicone Valley.

The company most recently had an E funding round that brought 50 million dollars to Asana, placing the company among unicorns with 1.5 billion dollars in estimated value.

Although it is yet not certain whether Asana will be launching their IPO by the end of 2019 as they lack funds and the latest raised amount will be used for international expansion, Asana has a great potential of becoming one of the hottest IPO in the sector.

According to the company’s latest announcement; Asana IPO is not coming in 2019, they’ll be pursuing an IPO this year. 

WeWork IPO

WeWork is a sleek startup that deals with renting workspace in different buildings and locations and small and medium companies, and is also one of the companies planning on issuing their initial public offering in 2019.

In 2018, the company managed to double their revenues, with 442 million dollars reported in the second quarter of 2018, but since the company is also reporting 723 million dollars in losses for the first quarter of 2018, although unconfirmed, the company might decide to issue an IPO in 2019 based on their immense growth potential.

Rackspace IPO

Rackspace might ring a bell because this cloud computing veteran has been around for 20 years already, previously being a publicly traded company until the year of 2016 when a major acquisition worth 4.3 billion dollars took place and equity firm Apollo Global turned Rackspace into a private company.

According to May Bloomberg, major equity firm may be considering to start off fresh with a new IPO in 2019, with at estimates set at 10 billion dollars.

Together, the 14 potential IPOs for 2019, many of which have already been confirmed are worth around 300 billion dollars, with Uber and Airbnb being one of the definite favorites in the market.



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