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HomeBusiness NewsNokia Stock Forecast: Is It a Good Investment for 2020?

Nokia Stock Forecast: Is It a Good Investment for 2020?

Nokia Stock has been on the buzz lately as many investors are now wondering if its a good investment. Well, according to various forecast, nokia stock will be indeed a great long-term investment. It’s price currently rose up to 5.080 USD and also has a good stock return. A technical analysis also showed that it will become a profitable investment option for the upcoming years. This is due to an expected long term increase for around 5 years. It also has a revenue that’s expected to be around +0.33%.

Stock Market News – Nokia Stock Forecast: Go Long!

We now know America’s anti-Huawei crusade that has been going around for some time. This will be a huge factor in Nokia’s rise as it is now second largest telecom equipment in sales. Without its rival, Nokia can climb back to 20 to 25% up the ladder. In addition, it’s  5G infrastructure deployment in its business can help in improving its annual revenue performance. The result would make Nokia’s sales stronger together with its telecom equipment, ethernet switches, routhers, and smartphones. Analyst are expecting it grow its earnings at roughly 17.5% per year.

To Sum It All Up

Though Nokia had a bearish year, it has now awoken from its deep slumber due to many factors. It may be a cheap stock but has now been seen with a major growth catalyst because of its deployment of 5G and the mainstream emergence of IoT (Internet-of-Things). Its technology has now become a trend as it made a smart move catapulting it up the ladder and making it stay there. Also, due to its rival circumstance, it helped solidify its stock increase and sales making it a good investment for investors. It will be not only a good year ahead for Nokia Stock but also a good run for the next 5 years.

Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided for discussion purposes only, and should not be misconstrued as investment advice. Under no circumstances does this information represent a recommendation to buy or sell securities.

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