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HomeStock MarketQuick And Easy Guide To This Years Hottest IPOs- Should You Buy...

Quick And Easy Guide To This Years Hottest IPOs- Should You Buy Or Sell?

This year so far has been an interesting one for 2019. While 2019 has been doing great in general for the stock market within the United States, some stocks are drowning and declining rapidly.

Listed below are four few hot IPOs and what experts recommend you do with them:

Uber Open To The Public

Uber has been rising in popularity ever since it was founded. This innovative ride-sharing app recently was able to publish their stocks openly to trade nearly a month ago. So far, the company has been doing well as 70% of their shares were bought out before the month was gone.

Experts and analysts recommend only buying Uber stocks if you are able to deal with a high risk. Since Uber is still growing and has not been financially consistent the big IPO is a hit or miss in the long run.


Beyond Meat Stocks Rising At An Amazing Rate

While Uber is being labeled ‘high-risk’, Beyond Meat has shown promising results after rising their stock prices. This plant-based meat company IPO’d at the small rate of $25 per share. Currently, the rate of this stock is at a stable $82, the highest being $97.

While there has been a drop in numbers, the increase has investors recommending to buy.

Pinterest Is On Hold For Now

Pinterest has been compared to Etsy for a while now. Both are platforms for creative minds where ideas could be shared or products sold. Etsy scared investors when they dropped in value but determinedly rose back up in ranks.

Pinterest seems to be holding a similar pattern but experts are wary of making a buy just yet. The earnings report did not do the company justice and until numbers rise, Pinterest should be on hold.

Luckin Coffee Striking Fear

Luckin Coffees IPO went public last Friday. They were expected to do well, and did, but fell tremendously within the next day.

Luckin Coffee is hoping to be the next Starbucks of China but the numbers do not seem to add up making this stock a hard sell.

For more information click this link.

Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided for discussion purposes only, and should not be misconstrued as investment advice. Under no circumstances does this information represent a recommendation to buy or sell securities.

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