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Sarah Kaplan

Sarah Kaplan is an award-winning journalist with more than 9 years of experience. She is the Editor-in-Chief of She has worked for international media companies as a reporter and correspondent. She has been awarded by Article 19. She has worked for  The Guardian Foundation/ P24 Knowledge Right Project. She has participated in See Media Observatory in Macedonia. She was Research Fellow at Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Germany.  She has been writing about technology, the latest trends in business. You can reach out to her via Also, you can connect with her at Linkedin.

Trending Fintech Topics in 2018 Covered in Media

Five topics that highlight the way Fintech firms are changing the world: Fintech is clearly creating the in-roads into the traditional financial services market. It is poised to define the future of finance and thus serve as an inseparable link...

FSC wants Taiwan to be a leading hub of Fintech firms in Asia

Viewing the changing landscape of the financial world, the Taiwan’s regulatory and other government agencies are intending to take the leap in this technology by launching a dedicated agency, providing various funding schemes and collaborating with the market participants. In...

Large tech firms investing in fintech startups

Fintech firms moving in 2018: The disruptive power of the fintech firms coupled with the opportunities they provide is compelling the large tech firms to invest in such ventures. The behemoths that are participating in the Fintech start-ups are: IBM ...

The global investments in Fintech ventures are on the rise

Three key themes for banks to save themselves: Accenture has highlighted three key themes about whether the banks are going to disrupt their business model or are on the verge of reimagining the whole organizational structure digitally. However, the global...

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) presents different scenarios in the light of emerging technology in the Banking sector

BCBS presents different scenarios in the light of emerging technology in the Banking sector. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) in its latest report has analyzed the effect of Fintech firms on the emerging banking services and the future...

Conventional banks are adopting blockchain technology in international payments

Rise in Blockchain technology adoption: Conventional banks are increasingly adopting blockchain technology in their international payment systems. By far J.P. Morgan has been able to create the largest blockchain network for global payments solution. The bank has also announced that...

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