The debate about where the crypto currencies belonged came to light during the meeting of theUS Congress and the Securities and Exchange Commission . Crypto currencies were also discussed at a meeting of the US representative committee on April 26th with Wall Street regulators. At the meeting, it was mentioned that the crypto currencies were still believed to...
The CEO and's first investor, Roger Ver, will probably be sued for charging the 'controversial' Bitcoin Cash (BCH) propaganda. Money Trigz , a named telegram user, recently set up a web page named case / vic and a web page named Bitcoincomdavası. There are 561 people in the group and they all want to file a lawsuit with
The cryptocurrency market is obviously a foreign territory for almost all countries. While many countries are struggling to find out how they still need to 'live' with this new emerging technology, a group of smaller countries like Malta and Gibraltar are competing with each other to harness the big...
At some point in history, there has been a need for a new system of payment, sometimes these payment methods are adopted quickly, other times they are accepted slowly over time. Most systems have become obsolete leaving only the fiat currency. In 2008, a new means of making payment...
Some things are facts; you cannot eat gold, money, or plastic cards. Well, if anyone does though, those commodities do not possess any nutrient at all. One thing is true though, humans have come to attach some value to such commodities. In essence, gold, currency or cards have no...