Cardano is currently the at the most valued cryptocurrency. When you look at stellar, it is the 7th most valued cryptocurrency. Also, Litecoin is the 6th the most valued cryptocurrency. If you look at the difference between stellar in Cardano, it is just $ 135 million. Similarly, if you...
When you look at the performance of most cryptocurrencies recently, you will realize that most of them are just stagnating or consistently falling. This, however, does not mean that none of the coins are at buying levels currently. There are quite a few of them. We will specifically speak...
Stellar Lumens ( XLM) is being used by SatoshiPay, a partnership with The Register, a UK-based news channel. Under the cooperation, Register permits the purchase of company's articles / books as an e-book using Stellar Lumens on SatoshiPay. In this development Stellar Lumens formed an important partnership. Where is...
The aim of stellar is to provide a proper connectivity ecosystem between the payment providers and the banks as well as the consumers. The aim is to make sure that the transactions can be done at a faster pace. If indeed, stellar is able to succeed in that regard,...