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RobinHood Trading Problems: Selling Personal Data is the Biggest Revenue Source for RobinHood?

While Robin Hood from the tales of your childhood is stealing from rich in order to give to the poor and less fortunate, RobinHood exchange is said to be using personal data from its registered users making it into the biggest source of revenues...

Top Three Price Forecast Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple: Support Lines Must be Reworked Before Major New Climbs

After a week of gains, cryptocurrencies are struggling again. A natural correction is obvious after a frantic week that was marked with remarkable increases. But where do a common drop end and a new downfall start? The Confluencer Indicator tool will assist us to...

The $60 Million Hack: Nearly 6,000 Bitcoins Stolen from Japanese Crypto Exchange ‘Zaif’

On Wednesday 19th September 2018, the Japanese Cryptocurrency Exchange Zaif’, which operates from Osaka under the management of Tech Bureau Corp, stated that its system had been hacked leading to a loss of almost 6.7 billion yen (approximately, $59.7 million) in cryptocurrency. 4.5 billion...
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