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Tag: Lyft IPO vs Uber IPO

Uber & Lyft IPOs Failure Reasons- An Inside Look

Interesting Facts about Two Transport Companies Uber- Ride Service Hailing UBER (Uber Technologies Inc) is an American owned multinational transport network company. They offer a range of services which includes peer-to-peer ridesharing, ride service hailing, food delivery, and a bicycle-sharing system. Uber and Lyft are going...

Mega IPOs Performance in 2019-Lyft, Uber, PINS, LEVI, ZM, TW, BYND

Mega Performance of Mega IPOs Thiѕ уеаr hаѕ аlrеаdу ѕееn ѕеvеrаl high рrоfilе initiаl рubliс оffеringѕ or mega IPOs and thе rеѕultѕ hаvе bееn mixеd. Ridе-ѕhаring giаntѕ Ubеr аnd Lуft hаvе bееn diѕарроinting ѕо fаr with bоth trаding bеlоw thе IPO рriсе. Ubеr hаѕ bееn...

Lyft IPO May Win Over the Market Against the Upcoming Uber IPO and the Reasons Why

While 2018 was somewhat remembered by numerous tech companies booming with IPOs, the trend doesn’t appear to be wearing off even in 2019. As the first quarter is coming to an end and we are anticipating Q2 2019, Lyft IPO should already be out...
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