Ethereum Price Prediction: Can Ethereum rise to $ 2500? – ETH News Today

Currently, Ethereum is trading around $625. However, it is also the most valued blockchain. The blockchain of Ethereum is widely being used for many different applications. This is the reason why experts believe that the price of Ethereum can increase significantly as well.

Ethereum can rise to as high as $2500

A financial consulting company has recently stated that Ethereum can rise to as high as $ 2500. The name of the company is Devere group. According to them, by the end of this year, Ethereum can rise to as high as $ 2500. This will be approximately 4 times return from the current prices.

CEO Nigel Green: The usage of Ethereum blockchain is increasing

According to the CEO, Nigel Green, the usage of Ethereum blockchain is increasing. It is not just increasing is a cryptocurrency but also it is being used for the smart contracts as well. Moreover, the cloud computing industry is also utilizing the Ethereum blockchain for proper decentralization. As a result, the usage of Ethereum is increasing in all 3 regards. This clearly indicates that Ethereum will rise significantly in the future.

Also, when you look into the current market cap of Ethereum, it is around $ 64.7 billion. Thus, it is a larger room for moving ahead as well.

The potential in Ethereum is pretty huge

Considering the fact that the usage of Ethereum as a blockchain is much more than Bitcoin’s blockchain, the potential in Ethereum is pretty huge. It is up to the investors to realize this potential. In addition to that, when you look into the actual applications of the Ethereum blockchain, you will realize that they are much higher as well. There are quite a few experts who have predicted even higher levels of Ethereum. This clearly indicates that the confidence in Ethereum is pretty high. Whether this confidence will actually result in a price increase are not only time will tell.

Ethereum is currently undervalued

However, one thing which is for sure is that Ethereum is currently undervalued. That is why, if you really want to make money by investing in undervalued cryptocurrencies, you should definitely be looking at Ethereum. Only when it rises by 30% to 40%, you can be sure that it will be at a respectable level. Till that point in time, it is grossly undervalued. That is why you should think about investing in Ethereum at those levels. Thus, whenever you’re thinking about investing in Ethereum, you have to just keep these few factors in mind. Once you are able to take these factors into account, you will be able to easily understand why you should invest in Ethereum. Tags: what is ethereum, ethereum value, ethereum vs bitcoin, ethereum wallet, ethereum coin, ethereum price predictions, ethereum buy, ethereum wiki

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