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Home-EverGreenVolkswagen Animal Testing: Volkswagen Pledges to End Experiments on Animals (Volkswagen Scandal)

Volkswagen Animal Testing: Volkswagen Pledges to End Experiments on Animals (Volkswagen Scandal)

Recently, Volkswagen made a statement that it will not use animal testing for diesel exhaust effects as well as for another automotive testing. The company is trying to clear its image of the emissions scandal which happened last year. Recently, it found itself in another scandal in which it was accused of using monkeys for testing automatic features of its cars.

Recently, the German branch of the company made a pledge that it will no longer use animals for any kind of testing. The letter was given for ethical treatment of animals. The scandals which are also present are based in the last couple of years and have cost billions of dollars. As a result, it is trying to now set things right and improve its image. Moreover, the scandals have also cost a success of chief executives. There have even been arrest of some of the company officials. The image of the company has been shattered due to the scandals one after another.

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Cheating scandal:

It all started with the cheating scandal where company actually tweaked the software in order to make its cars abide by the pollution rules and regulations. After the scandal broke, various company executives were fired or either resigned. This also brought attention to the harmful impacts of diesel fuel. As a result, European countries are getting more stricter on the usage of diesel. Earlier, it was assumed that the diesel is less harmful as compared to gasoline.

Testing on monkeys:

Another scandal broke out when it was revealed that Volkswagen actually finances the research which tested the impacts of diesel exhaust on monkeys. The monkeys were contained in a tight chamber. As a result, there was a lot of uproar.

Also company recently made pledge to Peta and has also agreed that it will stop this practice. According to Herbert Diess, chief executive of Volkswagen, the research was done in the United States and it did not violate any European laws. However, even he questioned the decision ethically to allow testing on monkeys.

In his recent letter which he handed over to PETA, a clearly stated that the research should be done within the moral as well as ethical ambits.

It remains to be seen whether there are any further skeletons which come out of the Volkswagen closet. It seems like the image of the company has been dented quite significantly with scandals being reported at regular intervals. Keyword: Volkswagen, diesel scandal, pollution standards, animal testing 2018, animal testing news, vw monkey, volkswagen monkey testing, volkswagen scandal, vw monkeygate, volkswagen monkey commercial, vw emissions

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