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HomeBlockchainWhat are WAVES, MRT and WCT?

What are WAVES, MRT and WCT?

Introduction to Waves Platform

The most ambitious blockchain project in Russia is targeting a one-stop blockchain store.

Russia-based Waves Platform is working to solve a major problem in the crypto currency. In mid-April 2018, ICOs reached $ 6.3 billion in 2017, exceeding $ 5.6 billion. However, 20 ICO, which started in 2018, was not successful in the first quarter. One of the main reasons for the failure of ICOs was the lack of customer collaboration or lack of experience.

This high failure rate causes many businesses to be afraid to enter the sector. Waves (written in Scala) are hoping to fix these problems by blocking access to create a special crypto currency. The platform is designed to facilitate the creation of specific markers by organizations and individuals.

When it was first created in 2016, this seemed a necessary idea – the companies became a block-chain-based armament race when Ethereum combined white papers and released their crypto-money.

By 2017, 913 ICOs were created (only 434 were successful). The ICO has become the most popular method for launching a new crypto currency or block chain. But 2018 is a different story.


In 2018, government regulators around the world cracked on ICOs.

Providing Evidence of Wave-proofing security and intelligent conventions, Waves offers the advanced functionality of the blockchain.


Before diving into whether the Waves Platform is still a viable option in today’s environment, let’s examine the performance of Waves Community Token (WCT), WAVES, the Miners Rewards Token (MRT), and the platform’s local crypto-money waves. The market value and the price of money always tell their stories.

Casting of WAVES, MRT and WCT

As of June 8, 2014, WAVES has a market cap of $ 486.915.000. This is based on the supply of 100,000,000 WAVES (also total supply) and a $ 4.87 exchange rate. The highest price of WAVES so far was $ 17.06 on December 19, 2017.

Waves ICO was held from April 12 to May 31, 2016. During this period increased by $ 16,436,095. ICO investors were allocated 85 million WAVES, allocated 1 million before and after ICO, 4 million were given to strategic partners and supporters, and 9 million were kept by Waves Platform AG for marketing and development.


Creating custom markers in the Waves network 1 The WAVES cost and coin transfer cost is a processing fee of 0.001 WAVES. WAVES can be rented to a group node.

In addition to the Waves Platform, there are two other markers in the Waves Platform: MRT and WCT.

Waves MRT was released in March 2017 and full supply was already distributed. There is a market value of $ 1,353,1680 based on the circulation of 10,000,000 MRT and the exchange rate of US $ 0.132418. The most expensive price for this deal was 0.573241 $ on 4 January 2018. Waves MRT was awarded to miners to protect a processing node.


Hodling MRT identifies you for the distribution of other symbols created on the Waves Platform. It also gives you the right to vote on the bet proof platform. MRT was created to balance the price of WAVES and to pay the transaction fees at different rates.

WCT has a market value of $ 6,904,963, based on a supply of 9,969,597 WCT (from a total of 10,000,000 suppliers) and a exchange rate of $ 0.662848. The highest price was $ 5.25 on December 23, 2017. The first 20 percent distribution took place on 15 January 2017. On the 15th of each month, 10 percent of the rates were distributed to the WAVES owners on a balanced basis.

Decentralized Crypto Exchanges

The Waves Platform (now beta) was initially created by the Founder and CEO of Sasha Ivanov, and is by far the largest blocker project in Russia. The two most important things are the WavesDex (decentralization) and fiat gateways.

The WAVES wallet now supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Zcash, Bitcoin Cash, Dash and Monero with Euro and US Dollar.

WAVES can be purchased with popular WavesDex platform as well as popular purchases such as Binance and CoinSutra. WavesDex supports 72 crypto currency / crypto presence.

Of course, the largest selling point in Waves marketing is the ability to create custom coins. This is done with the WAVES wallet. There is also a comprehensive guide on how to operate an ICO on the platform.

Waves Summary

The Waves Platform is an ambitious project with key partnerships. It aims to be a platform to help launch ICOs as well as a decentralized exchange between Fiat and crypto currencies.

The Waves Platform is a Evidence Protection platform that replaces mining with network nodes. The Waves Platform is still in beta phase and future functionality includes intelligent contracts.

Partners include Deloitte, Microsoft Azure, and NSD, Russia’s central securities deposit.

Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided for discussion purposes only, and should not be misconstrued as investment advice. Under no circumstances does this information represent a recommendation to buy or sell securities.

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