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Home-EverGreenNIU Stock Forecast 2019: How well is Niu Technologies (NIU) doing in...

NIU Stock Forecast 2019: How well is Niu Technologies (NIU) doing in the market in 2019? is an online market of scooters where you can find several models of superb scooter technology, while the company arguably claims that Niu Technologies represents “world’s number one scooter manufacturer”.

The company offers M+ model, NGT, Model M, Model S, and Model U, while also offering electrically charged scooters among the mentioned models. Niu went public back in October 2018, that way joining the rising trend of publicly traded companies issuing shares in 2018 as well as in 2019.

How well is Niu Technologies (NIU) doing in the market in 2019?

Niu went public back in October 2018, while the company issues 7 million A class shares for the public, setting the price of 9$ per share for the opening trading session.

The company managed to collect 63 million dollars with their initial public offering as expected from previous estimates, and although Niu IPO was certainly far from largest IPOs that the market has seen by far, the latest reports for 2018 demonstrated a massive growth potential that the company has with their product offering.

The total volume for e-scooter sales that the company reported for the fourth quarter of 2018 is set at 77.9% of increases year to year, net revenues for the same time period are recording 427.5 million Chinese yuan, and the total full-year revenue is said to be 92.1% up year over year, respectively.

However, despite solid reports and exponential growth showcased through sales of Niu’s scooters, NIU shares are experiencing a downtrend at the beginning of Q2 2019.

The company sold 93,611 units of e-scooter for a year, but the shares have sunk by -0.86% with the last change in the market, setting the value of NIU shares below the opening price of 9$ per share, as NIU is traded at 8.11$ after the closing of the latest trading session.

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