Leading derivatives regulator Mr Giancarlo said: “I personally think that cryptocurrencies are here to stay. “I think there is a future for them.” He however is sceptical the currency will ever achieve its ultimate goal of becoming the world’s leading currency. CRYPTOCURRENCIES like bitcoin are here to stay, claims Commodity Futures Trading...
A brief history of the crypto-jobs Bitcoin is no secret, everyone is well aware of the term cryptocurrency now. Bitcoin's founder is unknown, however, it is obvious that someone coded the world's first and most expensive cryptocurrency. After Bitcoin started gaining attention and value and crossed the $10,000 mark in...
A few years ago financial technology came with numerous innovations while combining different technologies and finding its way to numerous different sectors. Nowadays,  Fintech industry has become one of the fastest growing markets in the last several years. Fintech has also changed the traditional banking system. While MasterCard and PayPal Holdings...
Unfortunately, when we take a look at the statistics coming from S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller index, we can easily come to a conclusion how house prices in the US haven't been rising slowly than now for almost 7 years! The report was brought this March, and we are also able to...