Every homebuyer that wants to be considered serious must allow their lenders to take a look at their history of credit, and of course, to check it. The good thing about that is how you will get higher chances of being preapproved for a mortgage if your credit history...
Buying an investment property to rent is a great way to make passive income! With the real estate industry thriving and interest rates set at an all-time low, there has never been a better time than now to invest in properties to rent! There are plenty of people not...
In order to figure out predictions for the next upcoming years, we must be able to analyze the current housing market. The current housing market features a cooldown that has seen a decrease in sales. Not only are sales decreasing, but, prices are increasing in various locations. Although we can only...
The US economy appears to be doing well and more than solid, with Q4 of 2018 bringing some relief to the market, however, when it comes to the housing industry metrics don’t seem to add up. By the time the first quarter of 2019 started off, mortgage interest limits and...
Investing in real estate has become a steadily growing business. Real estate investors enjoy freelance work which allows for vacation and family time. The more and more the real estate market grows, more real estates are coming into the market. You may be one of these looking into investing! One...
It is no news that the prices of real property have been on the rise, especially in major urban centers and coastal cities. This renders such places unaffordable to average families. Just in San Francisco, the median price of a home in 2018 was estimated to be well over...
Real Estate can be tricky to figure out. Currently, home prices have seen an increase, that has left buyers wary of certain locations. Although the prices have generally gone up, there are still plenty of areas where real estate is a great investment. Stick to Big Cities with Lots of...
It definitely seems like how the housing market has some serious issues. We were able to see some strange things happening in the last year, yet, the things haven't improved much yet. When it comes to mortgage application's mortgage, we can now see how it has increased its volume for...
According to many analysts, economists, traders and investors, stock market is surely going towards a crash if compared to the last major crash of the stock market back in 2009. Bay Area Has Housing Bubble FinancialSamurai Analyst says San Francisco is at the edge of a housing bubble: San Francisco Bay...
Although the popularity of houses has decreased over the last few years, there are still families and individuals that are looking for the best and cheapest home. The cheapest housing market is in the Midwest or the Rust Belt Nearly all big cities contain expensive housing markets that are not affordable...