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Tag: 2018 IOTA Investors

Decline in IOTA ( Miota ) rates: the cryptocurrency fall of almost 40% from the high reached rates in recent times.

What is IOTA? Before we get into the news update, let’s first go over what IOTA actually is. You already know it’s the name of a cryptocurrency, but there’s more to it. Let’s start with the basics. IOTA is a distributed register system, based on a...

IOTA to partner with Bosh for the launch of a new gadget.

The Internet of Things (IoT) MIoTA coin is known as the cryptocurrency for the internet of things. Well, while a lot of people are investing in the world's top 12th cryptocurrency, only a handful actually know about the concept of IoT or the Internet of Things....

IOTA: MIOTA/USD Technical Analysis: Will the price double before year end?

An introduction to IOTA IOTA (Internet of Things Application) coin was first launched in late 2015 by Sergey Ivancheglo, David Sontesbo, Serguei Popov and Dominik. The most intriguing thing about IOTA coin is that it does not use blockchain. The cryptocurrency with a market cap of over...

IOTA performance analysis

Long-term Outlook of IOTA, will IOTA bring a long-term profit? $ 0.57 for IOTA, the crypto market rankings in the 11th place is finding itself. So, How does IOTA perform? IOTA has been experiencing fluctuating movements in the market for some time. IOTA Team is very...

IOTA Price Forecasts 2018-2019

IOTA investors are also curious about how the prices will draw a graph in the upcoming period, just like all other investors. However, IOTA's consistent efforts and agreements have announced that 2018 will be quite bright for IOTA. So in this case, what are...
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