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Tag: facebook

Facebook to analyze and filter live video with the help of new chips

Facebook has faced a lot of problems ever since the advent of live video on its platform. As a result, it is manufacturing its own chips. The main aim of this chip will be to filter the live video content. This was revealed by...

Facebook Liked Cryptocurrencies

According to financial news, Social Media giant Facebook is exploring the benefits of launching its own crypt money to the market. According to information received from sources close to the subject, experienced journalist Alex Heath, Facebook in on the verge of releasing its own cryptocurrency  whose $533 billion...

Cambridge Analytica Facebook Scandal: Researcher Calls Mark Zuckerberg A ‘Hyprocrite’

Aleksandr Kogan has (indirectly) called Mark Zuckerberg a hypocrite. Some time ago, Cambridge Analytica got hold of data from almost 87 million Facebook accounts. How Did This Happen? ALeksandr Kogan, at the behest of his company, made a quiz application. He is credited for building ‘This is...
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