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HomeCryptocurrency News TodayMonero Forecast: Monero's founder Ricardo Spagni is on the agenda with ultra...

Monero Forecast: Monero’s founder Ricardo Spagni is on the agenda with ultra luxury watch – Monero News Today

Consensus 2018, the world’s biggest crypto money and blockchain conference, was behind, and Monero’s founder Ricardo Spagni found herself in the midst of debate.

Spagni was accused of attempting to make a false announcement and empty the pump during the conference last year, and it was quite talked about. Spagni also stamped Consensus 2018.

The cryptocurrency is now on the agenda with the ultra-luxury wristwatch.

There are only 30 of them in the world. The handmade Richard Mille branded watch base plate and bridges are extremely durable from grade 5 titanium. The sale price of Saatin is exactly 884 thousand dollars.

Not hesitant to respond to critics in the social media platform Reddit, Spagni wrote under the subject line, “This is not a watch, but a prototype of the new Ledger wallet that offers Monero support.”

The Monero developer also tweeted about the topic from his personal Twitter account:

“Consensus 2018: Fluffypony is a terrible man! He made a fake announcement video! I hate him!

Consensus 2018: Fluffypony is a terrible man! He wears an expensive watch! I hate her!

Well, I can not wait to see what I did in Consensus 2019. ”

If you were in the position of Ricardo Spagni, would you wear such a watch? Share your comments in the comments section below!

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