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Social Media Stocks 2019: Twitter vs Facebook: Should You Invest in Facebook (FB) or Twitter (TWTR) in 2019?

Although Twitter (TWTR) had a remarkable run in 2018 with reporting 20% of gains in oppose to Facebook’s drop by -26% for the same period of time, which at the same helped Twitter gain an advantage against its main rival.

Twitter is slowly losing the momentum that brought it above the Facebook

However, it appears that Twitter is slowly losing momentum that brought it above the social media giant that Facebook represents, as TWTR is marking 8% of increases with 2019 and Facebook is taking on more positive trends which helped the top social media company collect 20% of gains despite negative media coverage and issues with regulations regarding data protection.

Which one of the two social media rivals has more chances of winning the market in 2019, Facebook (FB) or Twitter (TWTR)?

Should You Invest in Facebook (FB) or Twitter (TWTR) in 2019?

It appears that investors are placing more trust on Facebook stocks with the beginning of Q2 2019, even though Twitter easily outperformed Facebook in 2018. As Twitter is slowing down, Facebook is presently surging in oppose to its smaller rival, while Twitter is also reporting issues with declining number of monthly active users (MAU), deciding that the company will no longer be reporting MAUs.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Twitter is currently falling out of grace in the eyes of investors. Still, Twitter will be reporting monetizable daily active users, presenting mDAU as a more important metric.

Twitter is still reporting gains, although slowing down with gains

Moreover, Twitter is still reporting gains, although slowing down with gains, while Facebook dropped by -2.5% during Friday’s trading session in the last week of March 2019, additionally dropping by 3.3%, while TWTR stocks slightly bottomed by 0.3% during the same period, which implies that Twitter might be better in dealing with the selling pressure.

Twitter seems to be showing accelerated growth

Additionally, based on the previous trends, taking into consideration 2017 and 2018, Twitter seems to be showing accelerated growth reporting 453.3 million dollars for its year to year operating income for 2018, in oppose to earning 38.7 million for 2017, marking 33% of increase for a single year.

Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided for discussion purposes only, and should not be misconstrued as investment advice. Under no circumstances does this information represent a recommendation to buy or sell securities.

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