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Dragana Drobnjak

How To Start With Online Banking And What Can You Do Online?

If you are constantly losing so much time by waiting in line to pay your bills or complete some 'bank tasks', that means how you are ready to switch to online banking! Once you decide to do that, you...

For How Long Will Your Maternity Leave Last?

Whether you are already pregnant or planning on a baby, you are probably thinking about your maternity leave. How long will it last? Will you be able to cover all the costs of the newborn with just one salary?...

What Should You Know About The Allowance For Kids?

If you are thinking about an allowance for kids, you are doing the right decision. It is scientifically proven how children learn better and faster about money management if they get their allowances. But, how much money do you...

How Does Senior Year Student Financial Aid Checklist For Parents Look Like?

If you are a worried parent that is waiting for its child to be headed off to a college, know how we are here to help you get yourself organized in the best possible way. Making it all easier...

Slack’s Revised Financial Figures Announced On Investor Day (Lyft and Uber Tank)

Slack is constantly updating the public with its new financial figures. During the Investor Day presentation, an interesting turn happened. Although we were all able to see Slack showing its new capabilities, Lyft and Uber aren't the ones that...

How to Escape Cryptocurrency Investment Mistakes In 2019?

Numerous people who invest in cryptocurrency are constantly making the same mistakes. If you are wondering how to do it right this time, check out the list below and find out what are the mistakes you should definitely escape...

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