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Tag: Slack IPO

Slack IPO Date Approaching: Analysts Wonder if Slack’s CEO is Ready for the IPO Debut

Slack, the popular workspace messaging platform for collaboration, confirmed the official date of the upcoming IPO, which means that interested investors can expect to see Slack IPO arriving on June 20th. In the meanwhile, analysts are wondering whether Slack’s CEO, Stewart Butterfield, is ready for...

Chewy And Slack: Potential IPOs Attempting To Play The Game

Chewy has yet to finish and publicize its companies IPO. Chewy, however, has been in the headlines recently for announcing their first trade, which should be happening next Friday. Slack is not too far behind. The communications and technology company will be beginning to...

Slack’s Revised Financial Figures Announced On Investor Day (Lyft and Uber Tank)

Slack is constantly updating the public with its new financial figures. During the Investor Day presentation, an interesting turn happened. Although we were all able to see Slack showing its new capabilities, Lyft and Uber aren't the ones that can say the same for...
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