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Tag: Starbucks

Businesses and Companies Accepting Bitcoin (BTC), Bakkt and Starbucks are In Line

Over the course of the last several years, many retail businesses, online stores, restaurants, and shops started to accept cryptocurrency as an alternative payment method, which is how cryptocurrency mass adoption is slowly taking an upward path towards mainstream utilization. Besides a great number of...

How to Make Money On WhatsAround App: Turning Profit With Social Networking

Decentralization driven by the blockchain technology seems to have found its way to various use cases, entering tech and fintech industry, automotive industry, cloud computing, finances, IT, data, and much more; so it has found its way to one of the most established aspects...

Starbucks Scandal! Training Staff Members At Starbucks Against Racial Discrimination Doesn’t Seem To Be Enough!

Starbucks all across the United States are closing down for a day on 29 May 2018. This is happening to train the staff working at Starbucks against injustice and unintended racial biases. This decision follows the racial discrimination incident that took place at a...
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